Finally A Golden Ptc. I Mean A Rich Ptc

Global Ads PTC is a golden ptc, or you can say rich ptc site that will pay you for the simple actions of clicking on pay per click ads, reading pay per read ads, and you even get paid to join other websites that are FREE to join.

They provide advertisers an easy and cheap way to expand on their marketing techniques to broaden their audience and potential profitability. I mean so cheap that it starts at $0.50 per 1,000 credits which equal’s 1,000 Unique Hits.

They have a Lottery System located in the members home page. The details of that are as follows.

Cost per ticket: $1.00

Tickets per drawing: 100

Winners per drawing: 4

1st Place: $40.00

2nd Place: $20.00

3rd Place: $10.00

4th Place: $5.00

So you can see why it is a golden ptc, or a rich ptc right? But wait there is more.

They have also introduced a Matrix Club for members to join which is a forced 9×9 matrix that cost $3 a month to join and will pay you back at least $4.50 monthly on a residual basis for referring 9 others to join, and that’s just for your first level they continue to pay you for your referrals referrals, those referrals referrals, and continuing 9 levels deep. Your earning potential with this alone is more then you need, and still there is more this Matrix Club being a forced matrix guarantees spill over.

Referrer’s Spillover:

If your up-line has 9 people on there level 1 then anyone who joins his/her link next will be placed under a downline member who has 8 or less sign-ups on his/her first level. If his/hers first level each have there 9 people already it will move to the next level and so fourth until the system finds someone who has 8 people or less.

Site’s Spillover:

If someone joins the Matrix Club with out a affiliate link the system grabs a random member who has 8 or less in there first level.

The Matrix Club is only located in the referral builder. Even though it is not required to be a member of Global Ads PTC to join the Matrix Club, the site owner only placed the link in the referral builder to help the members to make the earnings. He focuses on promoting the whole system so everyone can benefit from the whole system. Members of the Matrix Club will be given a separate link for them to promote the Matrix Club if they wish to focus more on the residual earnings that they can make.

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